Friends and Supporters of 1st Vic Sea Scouts
We are pleased to gratefully acknowledge the support of the following entities which have assisted 1st Victoria Sea Scouts.
Thankyou to the Albert Park Rotary club who have assisted the 1st Victorian Sea Scout Group on several occasions, most notable was a working bee held late 2015, which included the repainting on the ground floor section of our hall.
In June 2016, the Albert Park Rotary Club also purchased $1,100 worth of kitchen equipment, including twin ovens, a hotplate and extractor fan for our hall.
With the assistance of the Rotary Club we were able to open up our facilities to other Scout Groups to reside at the hall for overnight and weekend activities. Formerly this was a huge problem and the wonderful room on top of our boat house overlooking the Albert Park Lake was hardly utilised outside of the 1st Vic community.
In June 2016, the Albert Park Rotary Club also purchased $1,100 worth of kitchen equipment, including twin ovens, a hotplate and extractor fan for our hall.
With the assistance of the Rotary Club we were able to open up our facilities to other Scout Groups to reside at the hall for overnight and weekend activities. Formerly this was a huge problem and the wonderful room on top of our boat house overlooking the Albert Park Lake was hardly utilised outside of the 1st Vic community.
Thankyou to Grill'd for their continued support of the 1st Victorian Sea Scout Group through participation in their local matters program.
Friends and supporters
We give you all a hearty thank you for your generous gifts and services
- Parents and individuals have made donations.
- Parties that have given 1st Victoria Sea Scouts material discounts in what we’ve bought or our members can access;
Donation details
Online e-payments (preferred):
Account Name - 1st Victorian Sea Scouts, Scout Association of Australia, Victoria Branch
BSB: 633 000
Acct #: 14732 1210
Please include your name in the ‘notes’ field
If you would like a tax receipt, please contact the Sea Scouts treasurer (Email) with your contact and donation details.
Or post a cheque to:
1st Victorian Sea Scouts, Private Box 19, 16 Armstrong St. Middle Park, VIC 3206
Account Name - 1st Victorian Sea Scouts, Scout Association of Australia, Victoria Branch
BSB: 633 000
Acct #: 14732 1210
Please include your name in the ‘notes’ field
If you would like a tax receipt, please contact the Sea Scouts treasurer (Email) with your contact and donation details.
Or post a cheque to:
1st Victorian Sea Scouts, Private Box 19, 16 Armstrong St. Middle Park, VIC 3206