To achieve this award, Cub Scouts will need to complete 10 of the requirements.
Requirements 1-7 Compulsory
1. Health and First Aid (Responsibility for Self)
Personal Health
· Explain how and why to keep your feet in good condition.
· Discuss why sleep is important.
· Discuss the importance of a balanced diet.
· Prepare a healthy lunch for an outing
Basic First Aid
· Check and replenish or put together a simple first aid kit and take it on bushwalks and outings with you.
· Show how to treat a bleeding nose.
· Show how to treat stings and insect bites common to your region.
· Show an understanding of how germs and head lice can pass to people by contact and how to prevent this.
Adult Help
· Explain why you need adult help in case of accidents.
· Pass a message, including an address, from one adult to another.
· Explain how to use a mobile phone and a public phone and discuss the steps you would take to make and emergency phone call.
2. Safety (Responsibility for Self)
Buddy System
· Define the Buddy System and explain its benefits
· Discuss the causes of accidents around the home and garden, including in sheds and around swimming pools.
· Discuss the safety aspects of travelling in cars, buses and trains.
· Demonstrate an understanding of the dangers of swimming in
· swimming pools,
· sea,
· rivers and lakes
· dams.
· Identify safe areas for swimming
· Explain what to do to make sure you don't get lost in the bush and what to do if something goes wrong.
· Demonstrate three ways of making distress signals.
· Discuss the ways that fire can start in the home and in the bush.
· Show what to do if you are in a fire at home.
· Discuss what to do if you do not feel safe somewhere.
3. Ropes (Outdoor Scouting)
Tying Knots
· Tie a sheetbend
· Tie a clove hitch.
· Tie a reef knot.
Use of knots
· Discuss how and when to use these knots.
Care of ropes
· Name the parts of a rope.
4. Outdoor Scouting (Outdoor Scouting)
Compass and Navigation
· Demonstrate an understanding of how many degrees there are in a compass and the eight principal points.
· Use a compass to follow a trail, which includes at least six compass points.
Maps and Hiking
· Use a road map to work out the distances between two towns named by your examiner.
· Demonstrate five trail signs.
Fire Lighting.
· Discuss ways that fires can start in the home and the bush.
Outdoor Cooking
· On a fire you prepare and light, cook a meal such as sausages or food in a foil pouch.
5. Our Cub Scout Traditions (Scouting Aims and Principles)
The Jungle Books
· Tell one of the stories in The Jungle Books that does not have Mowgli in it.
· Explain the significance of Baloo and Bagheera in Mowgli’s life.
Scouting History
· Find out when Scouting started in your local Group.
· Find out and explain the meaning of your scarf and District /Region Badge.
6. Symbols of Australia (Growing Awareness of Local Community)
· Describe the flag of your State or Territory and show an understanding of the components of it.
· Describe the emblem of your State or Territory and show an understanding of what it means.
Flora and Fauna
· Name and describe the flora and fauna emblem of your State or Territory.
7. Promise and Law (Values of Scouting)
Duty to Your God
· Find out three things about your beliefs and explain them to your Leader.
Promise and Law
· Talk to your Leader about how you have tried to put your Promise and Law into practice in everything you have done.
· Do a good turn for your Cub Pack or Scout Group and tell your Leader about it.
Choose any three of the requirements 8-14
Requirements 1-7 Compulsory
1. Health and First Aid (Responsibility for Self)
Personal Health
· Explain how and why to keep your feet in good condition.
· Discuss why sleep is important.
· Discuss the importance of a balanced diet.
· Prepare a healthy lunch for an outing
Basic First Aid
· Check and replenish or put together a simple first aid kit and take it on bushwalks and outings with you.
· Show how to treat a bleeding nose.
· Show how to treat stings and insect bites common to your region.
· Show an understanding of how germs and head lice can pass to people by contact and how to prevent this.
Adult Help
· Explain why you need adult help in case of accidents.
· Pass a message, including an address, from one adult to another.
· Explain how to use a mobile phone and a public phone and discuss the steps you would take to make and emergency phone call.
2. Safety (Responsibility for Self)
Buddy System
· Define the Buddy System and explain its benefits
· Discuss the causes of accidents around the home and garden, including in sheds and around swimming pools.
· Discuss the safety aspects of travelling in cars, buses and trains.
· Demonstrate an understanding of the dangers of swimming in
· swimming pools,
· sea,
· rivers and lakes
· dams.
· Identify safe areas for swimming
· Explain what to do to make sure you don't get lost in the bush and what to do if something goes wrong.
· Demonstrate three ways of making distress signals.
· Discuss the ways that fire can start in the home and in the bush.
· Show what to do if you are in a fire at home.
· Discuss what to do if you do not feel safe somewhere.
3. Ropes (Outdoor Scouting)
Tying Knots
· Tie a sheetbend
· Tie a clove hitch.
· Tie a reef knot.
Use of knots
· Discuss how and when to use these knots.
Care of ropes
· Name the parts of a rope.
4. Outdoor Scouting (Outdoor Scouting)
Compass and Navigation
· Demonstrate an understanding of how many degrees there are in a compass and the eight principal points.
· Use a compass to follow a trail, which includes at least six compass points.
Maps and Hiking
· Use a road map to work out the distances between two towns named by your examiner.
· Demonstrate five trail signs.
Fire Lighting.
· Discuss ways that fires can start in the home and the bush.
Outdoor Cooking
· On a fire you prepare and light, cook a meal such as sausages or food in a foil pouch.
5. Our Cub Scout Traditions (Scouting Aims and Principles)
The Jungle Books
· Tell one of the stories in The Jungle Books that does not have Mowgli in it.
· Explain the significance of Baloo and Bagheera in Mowgli’s life.
Scouting History
· Find out when Scouting started in your local Group.
· Find out and explain the meaning of your scarf and District /Region Badge.
6. Symbols of Australia (Growing Awareness of Local Community)
· Describe the flag of your State or Territory and show an understanding of the components of it.
· Describe the emblem of your State or Territory and show an understanding of what it means.
Flora and Fauna
· Name and describe the flora and fauna emblem of your State or Territory.
7. Promise and Law (Values of Scouting)
Duty to Your God
· Find out three things about your beliefs and explain them to your Leader.
Promise and Law
· Talk to your Leader about how you have tried to put your Promise and Law into practice in everything you have done.
· Do a good turn for your Cub Pack or Scout Group and tell your Leader about it.
Choose any three of the requirements 8-14